Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In most contexts, the word race makes me cringe.  It reminds me how uneducated the masses really are, and by educated I don't mean having a fancy, expensive piece of paper that makes you feel smart.  The smartest people usually feel that they have much to learn and not enough time in one lifetime to learn it.  (self pat on the back)  I am no scientist, but I'm pretty sure millions or at least thousands of years of evolution and crossbreeding have melded us all into the same race. The human race.  Check the box that best describes your race.  I usually check other and write in human.  Racist comments are hardly ever muttered on this planet in my opinion, and if we lived on a planet that had a uniform climate, people wouldn't even have as many minute differences in appearance as they have now.  Live high up in the mountains, where the air is thin and cold and of course skin pigment is going to be light and your nose quite narrow.  Live in the lowlands and jungles and of course skin will develop darker and your nose will broaden to be able to breathe the thicker more moist air a little easier.  Geography is the biggest factor in how the human body evolves.  Your direct relation to the sun and other elements of nature is a huge deal on this planet.  Did you know that even though the sun is about 93 million miles away that it is still so hot that looking directly at it will damage your eyes?  I know you probably did but a bunch of people on this rock do not act like it.  They act more like they are the sun and everything revolves around them and their tiny, oh so tiny brain.  True self absorption is the ultimate bear trap.  There is almost no way to know you have the disease when you have it, and if someone tries to point it out to you (for your own good not because they feel the need to be right all the time), being wrapped up in yourself, you are most likely not going to be able to see the other perspective or side of it.  You are going to feel as though you are being attacked when exactly the opposite is happening, someone is trying to save you.  Then the methods and tact of the caring, loving would be rescuer will be criticized by your friends and loved ones, them making it seem as though there is only one way to skin the cat and that the rescuer's selfless thoughts do not count, or their methods are so bad that they outweigh the good that is trying to be accomplished.  Oh just let him/her be, they will grow out of it.  Oh yea by what method?  Miracle?  Tragedy?  Divine Intervention?  Duh everyone just grows out of immature behavior by themselves we all know that!  Cue the pot and kettle thoughts in some of your heads.  Roll tape.  And, action!  Grammar is almost gone so enjoy it while you can.  If for every LOL  you typed you lost a day off your life, we might start to evolve again instead of all this devolving I am witnessing.  Is that mean?  Well it all depends on what your definition of is, is. (wink)

1 comment:

  1. You're right. We are one race. However, the human race has evolved to believe that it's important to be superior in some way to something/someone else. This is why there are different "races." If there was equality, natural selection wouldn't take place. Darwin was right.
